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About Concrete Countertops

Why Use Concrete

David Crane





Custom built by

David R. Crane



Concrete is elegant, unique, and versatile with many different colors and edge styles.  We use concrete as our medium because it is adaptable and natural with a wonderful look and feel.  Each counter top is custom fit to your individual needs.  Each counter is seamless regardless of size.


How are they made?

Each countertop is made on site. They are made of  white  portland cement, fine sand & several admixtures to help prevent fractures. Powered or liquid pigment is added to the mix to obtain the desired color. Two coats of penetrating sealer is applied when cured & then a generous coat of natural carnauba wax is buffed to a low sheen.



 How much do they weigh?

A 1.5 inch thick weighs about18.75 pounds per square foot. (Granite is about 18)


Can my concrete counter crack?

As with many natural materials they can develop hairline fractures, which can enhance the character of the counter.  Each counter is re-enforced with wire mesh or rebar for structural integrity.


How much do they cost?

It is comparable to solid surface tops such as corian and less expensive than most granite.


How do I care for concrete countertops?

Clean with a mild soap as you would any solid surface top and can be resealed & waxed when needed.




For further information or estimate, contact us at:



David R. Crane - 30 Years of Building Experience

Licensed and Insured










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